“Searcher” posted: Job 42:16 “16 And Job continued living after this a hundred and forty years and came to see his sons and his grandsons—four generations. (144 divided by 4 = 36 years)
So, is the Bible lying?
i remember when that came out, my mother didn't catch it in the original article in the wt.
it was in one of the review "do you remember" thingies that she caught it.
she asked me if it means what she thought it meant.
“Searcher” posted: Job 42:16 “16 And Job continued living after this a hundred and forty years and came to see his sons and his grandsons—four generations. (144 divided by 4 = 36 years)
So, is the Bible lying?
i had never thought about this until just now when i saw that nathan natas posted some early tract from rutherford, and it made me think back to what little i could remember of the history i was taught.
i now know that in most cases the dubs will spin stories in their favor.
so i'm now assuming i was told some fictitious story about what happened when the leaders were thrown in prison and things looked bleak for the cult way back when.
Thx for the newspaper clip WildThing,
$371,715 in DONATIONS in one year!
In 1916 that would have the value of approximately $8,896,715 in 2018. No wonder he left the clothing business!
Imagine, 'tax free' donations.
every bible book pretty much was applied to the “anointed remnant “.
if a prophet blew his nose it was a fulfillment of a future deed done by the “anointed”.. have they stopped this nonsense?
Typical / Antitypical...First part of fulfillment, last part... and don't forget 'literal'
In the 2009 WT there were 14 mentions in the insight book, 474 in the Watchtower, and 107 mentions of 'antitypical' in books.
Didn't your brain go numb trying to get these anomalies straight in your head? How many times did we study those now archaic abandoned books? "Know Jehovah" "Man's Salvation" "Daniel book" and on and on! And now, poof! gone! "Hey, we don't do that anymore, forget we use to do that, it's just not necessary"
*** dp chap. 13 p. 211 par. 2 Two Kings in Conflict ***
2 How thrilled Daniel must have been to hear the angel reveal to him in detail the rivalry between two forthcoming kings! The drama is of interest to us as well, for the power struggle between the two kings stretches into our day. Seeing how history has shown the first part of the prophecy to be true will strengthen our faith and confidence in the certainty of fulfillment of the last part of the prophetic account.
*** gt chap. 97 Workers in the Vineyard ***
Is that first-century fulfillment the only fulfillment of Jesus’ illustration? No, the clergy of Christendom in this 20th century have, by reason of their positions and responsibilities, been “first” to be hired for work in God’s symbolic vineyard
*** gt chap. 111 Sign of the Last Days ***
When does Jesus’ prophecy have a first fulfillment, but when does it have a major fulfillment?
*** hp chap. 15 Is “the End of the World” Near? ***
Why should we look for another fulfillment of the “sign,” and how would it differ from the first fulfillment? (13-16)
*** ka chap. 6 pp. 94-95 par. 29 Priests for Ten Centuries with No Scheming Priestcraft ***
But when did the antitypical tent or temple, the “true tent” with its “holy place,” come into existence? It was while the typical temple built by King Herod the Great was still standing in Jerusalem. It was in the early autumn of the year 29 of our Common Era. How was this so? What happened then to call for the true temple?
*** ka chap. 6 p. 100 par. 43 Priests for Ten Centuries with No Scheming Priestcraft ***
43 Instead of climaxing the antitypical Day of Atonement by entering into a typical “holy place” inside the typical tent or temple, High Priest Jesus Christ entered “into heaven itself” where the “person of God” is. This heavenly residence of the very person of God is the true Most Holy, the Holy of Holies, the Holiest of all.
*** ka chap. 16 p. 304 par. 28 Completion of the Foretold “Sign” Nears ***
28 It becomes plain that, in his prophecy, Jesus was using the city of Jerusalem not only in a literal sense but also in a typical sense, as prefiguring something else of greater proportions. ........ He was thinking of the antitypical unfaithful Jerusalem, namely, one of modern times. And what is that? It is Christendom with her hundreds of conflicting religious sects.—1 Corinthians 10:11.
yesterday in watchtower documents there was published "flawed decrees conceal criminals.
barbara anderson examined the rnwt revision of lev.5:1 and revealed the wtb&ts to be deceptive as to applying it to congregation members being required to "tattle" on their brothers to expose sin.
she shows that is just not so as lev.5:1 has nothing to do with tattling.
I looked up the 1987 WT article to see what it was all about.... all this "HIPAA" debate...
William Prosser lived from 1898 to 1972, is well known for these torts:
In the United States today,[when?] "invasion of privacy" is a commonly used cause of action in legal pleadings. Modern tort law, as first categorized by William Prosser, includes four categories of invasion of privacy:[8]
- Public disclosure of private facts: the dissemination of truthful private information which a reasonable person would find objectionable
Public disclosure[edit]
Public disclosure of private facts arises where one person reveals information which is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[14] "Unlike libel or slander, truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."[10] Disclosure of private facts includes publishing or widespread dissemination of little-known, private facts that are non-newsworthy, not part of public records, public proceedings, not of public interest, and would be offensive to a reasonable person if made public.[12]
Let's just ask what the WT would say at court regarding child sex abuse cases, right?
"I am sorry, that is confidential information, it is private, we are restricted by clergy-penitent privilege, and protected by First Amendment Rights"
However.... notice what they actually admit about "disclosure laws in 1987, and what they subsequently encourage in this September 1,1987 Watchtower:“A Time to Speak”—When?
MARY works as a medical assistant at a hospital. One requirement she has to abide by in her work is confidentiality. She must keep documents and information pertaining to her work from going to unauthorized persons. Law codes in her state also regulate the disclosure of confidential information on patients.
“Mary was somewhat apprehensive about the legal aspects but felt that in this situation Bible principles should carry more weight than the requirement that she protect the privacy of the medical records. Surely the sister would not want to become resentful and try to retaliate by making trouble for her, she reasoned. So when Mary analyzed all the facts available to her, she decided conscientiously that this was a time to “speak,” not to “keep quiet.”
From that quote above... WT uses the phrase "legal aspects".. so they knew.
i have a friend who got df'ed recently and he had a major role on a 5 min broadcasting film.
the film was made before he got df'ed (obviously), so it wont be on air.
as he told me it was to be on july or august program.
Thanks, LostAdam, how long was your friend at Bethel? Did he make the move to Warwick? And was he there when the VAA visited them in November 2017? Did others know about it? Awesome he awoke!
Do you think your friend will be revealing what woke him up??? It would be very insightful to know.
in my psychology studies we've been examining the use of "labels" and how they influence peoples behaviour.
i sometimes wonder if the gb or their helpers know exactly what they're doing when it comes to psychological manipulation.. it's been observed that by labeling someone or something it changes your entire perception of that person or thing.
it colours it entirely, quite unfairly in some cases.
I am sure someone in the investment/financial department keeps an eye on the stats of how many JWs it takes to bring in so much money. They know that people leave every year... but that's ok, as long as they keep a certain balance.
Also, just like we have seen, they know that there is a certain part of the population that is braindead-numblessly following their lead, they clap at every announcement at a convention: "Don't we just loooooove this idea?" clap, clap, clap....
Personally, I have this idea that the Borganization is trying to slough off all of those that give them problems, wanting people to leave of their own volition. Why? Maybe so they don't keep up on the news about JWs and sue them? Maybe because they have their nest egg in N.Y. and have real estate,stocks and bonds to take care of them? I haven't quite figured out the 'why' of it, exactly... But that is one of the possibilities I am waiting to see how it plays out.
Maybe WT is trying to become a 'fader'? haha!
in my psychology studies we've been examining the use of "labels" and how they influence peoples behaviour.
i sometimes wonder if the gb or their helpers know exactly what they're doing when it comes to psychological manipulation.. it's been observed that by labeling someone or something it changes your entire perception of that person or thing.
it colours it entirely, quite unfairly in some cases.
Absolutely, DOC and WakeMe
Whether it's the GB, the 'Service Desk', the 'Legal Department', the 'Writing department' or the 'guys behind the curtain' someone knows how to dot their 'i's' and cross their 't's.
Haven't you ever been bothered, when you were a JW, at all the senseless repetition of Bible dramas that emphasize how 'God's leaders, the ones he selected, like David, Moses, Saul' had to be forgiven for sins that we would have been killed for, and that we 'have to trust Jehovah to know what he's doing if he decides to let them live and forgive them'... and the WT goes on to explain that how we have to be loyal to those Jehovah uses.... No accident.
As I look back, I see how WT publications steered us into using new words/ phrases, adapting new ideas, using questions. "Doesn't it make sense? or "It makes sense..." "Jehovah appreciates it when"... and on and on...
WT started changing policies, prophecies and expectations years and years in advance.
Someone.... somewhere.... knows exactly what they are doing.
is it reasonable to have an invisible friend whom you have never seen and yet you talk to this invisible friend several times a day even though the friend has never talked back to you?.
is it reasonable for you to give your life to this invisible friend because a group of 8 men says that if you don't you won't live forever?.
do you thank your invisible friend every day for the food that he gives you, yet he doesn't give food to over 27,000 people a day who die the terrible death of starvation.
Good questions for thought Sour Grapes, I like your illustration about the peach pie & blood fractions!
jehovah's witnesses and sexual abuse: the philadelphia inquirer lays it out.
may 7, 2018. julia duin.
Julia Duin, a religious reporter, comments on the previous Philadelphia story about the Haughs, the family whose child was molested from a viewpoint of past experiences with Jehovah's Witnesses and of modern times.
"FaithLeaks" and "Reclaimed Voices" are praised. Perhaps this will lead to more awakening?
simply fabulous.
This interview was GREAT! You do not want to miss it. Jason has information that connects the dots. Very, very interesting... 'How the Borg works'.... I think I will watch it again! Thx Cliff!